Thursday, March 16, 2017

Crafting for the nature table

Crafting for the nature table

We are welcoming the month of May with a little spring banner above the play cubbies.

Around here, May means some much needed warmer temperatures and more spring colors outside- a real cause for celebration!

Weve even started making some changes to the nature table.  Just the past week or two the bees have come out and are very active.  So active, in fact, that both of my daughters were stung with their very first bee stings ever.  On a visit to the playground my oldest daughter found this piece of an old and abandoned nest.  She brought it home and placed it at the nature table.  A few days later we crafted our own bees out of modeling beeswax and added them to the nest.  The girls decided they needed "really pointy stingers," which they have but of course these bees wont sting!

Available link for download