Monday, July 31, 2017

Dá seu endereço!

Dá seu endereço!

De: Processe um Ilustrador 
Enviada em: terça-feira, 02 de novembro de 2010 16:37
Para: Vivian Gonçalves
Assunto: Importantísimo
Olá dona Vivian, 
Consta aqui no nosso sistema "Dagobah" de busca e processo, que a senhora teve recentemente um problema muito sério com um ilustrador. E nós aqui da "Processe um ilustrador" estamos disponibilizando para  a senhora a oportunidade de processá-lo e arruinar sua carreira, bem como sua vida pessoal, moral e dignidade.
Equipe do Processe um ilustrador

De: Vivian Gonçalves
Enviada em: terça-feira, 02 de novembro de 2010 17:00
Para: Processe um Ilustrador
Assunto: RE: Importantísimo
Eu tive sim um problema com um maluco que ia fazer minha caricatura de casamento e do nada ele começou a me sacanear, desenhou meu marido como mulher e mais um monte de coisa nada a ver. Eu fiquei sem desenho para o cartão que inclusive atrasou pra caramba por conta disso. Mas olha, eu não tenho como correr atrás disso agora nem como pagar por nada heim, como vocês fazem?

De: Processe um Ilustrador 
Enviada em: terça-feira, 02 de novembro de 2010 17:05
Para: Vivian Gonçalves
Assunto: RE: RE: Importantísimo
Di Vasca

De: Vivian Gonçalves
Enviada em: terça-feira, 02 de novembro de 2010 17:12
Para: Processe um Ilustrador
Assunto: RE: RE: RE: Importantísimo

De: Processe um Ilustrador 
Enviada em: terça-feira, 02 de novembro de 2010 17:16
Para: Vivian Gonçalves
Assunto: RE: RE: RE: RE: Importantísimo
Ah, claro! Está pedindo o endereço pra me matar, vou passar sim, só peço que não seja hoje ainda,  porque tenho um compromisso, mas segue o endereço:
Residência- Rua dos bobos, - 0
Trabalho - Fake st. (sem número)
Di Vasca

De: Vivian Gonçalves
Enviada em: terça-feira, 02 de novembro de 2010 17:21
Para: Processe um Ilustrador
Assunto: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Importantísimo

Não entendeu? Clique aqui

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Crashlands v1 0 4 APK

Crashlands v1 0 4 APK

Craft, battle, and quest your way through Crashlands, an outlandish, story-driven Crafting RPG overflowing with sass!

Become Flux Dabes, a galactic trucker whose latest shipment gets derailed by a chin-strapped alien menace named Hewgodooko, leaving you stranded on an alien planet. As you hustle to retrieve your packages youll become enmeshed in a nefarious plot of world domination, which will require all of your wits and both of your glutes to overcome. Learn recipes from the local sentient life, make new friends, uncover ancient secrets and deadly bosses, tame everything and build yourself a home-away-from-home as you learn to thrive on planet Woanope.


? Expansive Crafting System
Unlock over 500 craftable items as you explore the world and learn its secrets!

? Self-managing, Infinite Inventory
In Crashlands, your inventory is infinite, manages itself, and retrieves your tools when you need them, so you can focus on adventuring, questing, and building. Youll never have dig through your bag or return to your base to free up inventory space!

? RPG-Style Character Progression
Become more powerful through creating ever-more-amazing items! As you grow in power, you can venture to new regions of the world, meet strange characters, discover new stories, and encounter new and interesting enemies.

? Skill-Based Combat
Learn the attacks of the enemies you encounter, and use your skill, agility, and wits to defeat them! You can even augment your fighting prowess with the power of the dozens of gadgets you can craft. Set your enemies on fire, stun them, slow down time, and more!

? Intuitive Base Building
Building a base in Crashlands is so simple it feels like fingerpainting. You can create beautiful, sprawling bases in minutes!

? Tameable Creatures
Every creature in Crashlands can become a trusty combat sidekick. Find an egg, incubate it, and hatch your very own adorable or hideous bundle of joy. You can even craft special items to grow and empower them!

? Huge World... with Huge Problems
Four sentient races, three continents, an epic bid for the future of the planet, and you - trapped in the middle, trying to deliver your freakin packages. Take your time to dive into the sidestories of the characters you meet or just rush headlong into making that special delivery. With hundreds upon hundreds of quests, theres a lot to do and discover on planet Woanope!

? Crossplatforminess
Just because your battery died, doesnt mean your fun has to die with it. You can transfer your Crashlands save to any other device you own Crashlands on. It has true cross-platform support!
Whats in this version : (Updated : Jan 20, 2016)
  • Full patch notes available at:
Required Android O/S : 2.3+
Screenshots :
 Crashlands- screenshot
 Crashlands- screenshot  Crashlands- screenshot  Crashlands- screenshot

Download : 57M APK

Fuente / Source: " CLICK PARA VER..."

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Creating a User Group and Shared Directory

Creating a User Group and Shared Directory

To understand this article you should to be familiar with Linux adva-
nced file permissions, otherwise go throw bellow link before following
this article.
Advanced File Permissions

My Obejective:
I have a folder which I want to share with "rw" permissions for a
selected group of users. Lets say the folder is /home/project and I
want to share it with the group development. What I want is not only
having users accessing files in /home/project with rw access, but also
to ensure that all files created in /home/project will have ownership
username:development and permissions -rw-rw-r--.

Sharing a directory among users in same group is one of the essential
tasks.To let a group of users work on a set of files without infringing
on security, youll have to do this:

1.Create a common group for these users in /etc/group

# groupadd development
check group created or not
# tail -1 /etc/group

2.Add user project administrator (padmin) and setup password

# useradd -g development -d /home/project -c "Project Admin"
-m padmin
# tail -1 /etc/passwd
padmin:x:501:501:Project Admin:/home/project:/bin/bash
#passwd padmin

3.Create separate user accounts for the rest of users but specify the
same home directory.

# useradd -d /home/project/ -g development user1
# passwd user1
Add another user:
# useradd -d /home/project/ -g development user2
# passwd user2

Create as many user accounts as you want.

4.Make sure the home directory and all subdirectories are not owned by
any of the users. Use chown to surrender ownership to padmin.

# chown padmin:development /home/project/
# ls -ld /home/project/
drwxrwxr-x 18 padmin development 4096 Mar 28 16:18 /home/project/

5.Make the directories group-writable and set their SGID and Sticky
Bits with chmod 3775 (1 for sticky and 2 for SGID).

# chmod -R 3775 /home/project/
# ls -ld /home/project/
drwxrwsr-t 18 padmin development 4096 Mar 28 18:22 /home/project/

In this scenario, every user of the group has write permission on the
directory and can create files and directories, but can only delete
those he owns. SGID bit ensures that all files created in
/home/project will have ownership username:development and Sticky bit
ensures that only owner can delete files those he owns

Note that setting the SGID permission on a directory only affects the
groupID of new files and subdirectories created after the SGID bit is
set, and is not applied to existing entities. Setting the setgid bit
on existing subdirectories must be done manually.

Can You Inherit File Permissions?

When you create a file or directories under a directory the default
permission for them will be determined by your umask, files or
directories wont inherit parent directory permissions, only SGID bit
inherited by newly created directories under it. So even your shared
directory has group writable, you cant edit other users files.

Login as user1 and create a temp file.

# su – user1
$ touch temp ; ls -l temp
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 development 0 Mar 28 18:54 temp

Now logins as user2 and try to edit temp file.

# su - user2
$ cat > temp
-bash: temp: Permission denied

There is no way to inherit permissions from a directory, its contro-
lled by the processs umask. But there is a way to make file permissi-
ons group writable when it is created.Add umask 002 command to .bashrc
file if it exist, otherwise create it and add the command.

# su - padmin
$ ls -l .bashrc
-rwxrwsr-t 1 padmin development 124 Mar 28 13:05 .bashrc
$ cat >> .bashrc
umask 002

Now login as user1 and create a temp file.

# su - user1
$ touch temp ; ls -l temp
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user1 development 0 Mar 28 19:38 temp

File created with default group writable permissions.

Note: Inform already logged in users to logout and login again.

Have you thought about using ACLs? They will give you much finer
grained control over the permissions you can set on files and directo-
ries. ACLs will also allow you to set a default mask for any given

To know more about ACLs(Access Control Lists) Google it as Linux acls
or wait for my next article.

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creating with samie understanding color

creating with samie understanding color

Experimenting with color is one of my favorite things about art journaling, if not the favorite.  I come from a more technical and word-y background, and while I often played with watercolors as a kid with my mom, I never considered myself capable of being an artist. When I began art journaling, I really had to learn the basics, and recalled the simple lessons from elementary school art class - the color wheel, warm and cold, all mixed together makes mud. These are great to get you started, but all the books in the world wont compare to what you can discover with the spirit of experimentation. 

I really am a what if? kind of person. What if I combined this with this? What if I used this tool differently? All the techniques you love were once ideas in the heads of artists past, and you have that same power of creation.  

Apply this same idea to color. It isnt a mystical force to be feared, but a friend who brightens your day. But you need to learn your own color language first!  

Why is this important? Ill tell you a story. Ages ago, I saw that I was using a lot of the same colors in my journals, and thought that didnt make me a well-rounded artist. I told myself I had to start using the colors I usually shied away from, and proceeded to use the yellows and greens I didnt like. And surprise! I hated those journal pages. There were great parts, but I just didnt like them. I lost my mojo. I thought I was a bad artist.  

But I wasnt. I knew what I liked and what I didnt like, and if I want to do turquoise on all my pages, then I can do that. Your art journal is for YOU and no one else.  

Heres an exercise for you: start a color journal. 


I like to find new color combinations through a simple exercise I inadvertently discovered. 

Youll need 6 colors, plus some good white. You want to pick warm or cool as your primary palette. Heres what youre looking for:

Neon shade complementary to primary colors  (warm if cool, and vise versa)
Light shade complementary to primary colors (warm if cool, and vise versa)
Remember that mixed warm and cool colors will make icky mud, so try not to layer while too wet. Use the primary three colors first, using the neon and light completary shades to add accents (in the example below, the neon pink and yellow are to be used as accents). 

Switch out primary colors - go more blue, or green! Try reds or pinks! But remember your accents and black and white to add contrast and depth to your spread. 

Ive done this through an entire journal, which I now can pull out whenever Im trying to figure out what a page is missing, or what colors I should choose to compliment a new favorite.

Doing these kinds of exercises helps build up your color library and helps you to create awesome journal pages!

You can check out more of Samie-

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CSR Racing 2 v1 9 0 Apk Mod DINHEIRO INFINITO

CSR Racing 2 v1 9 0 Apk Mod DINHEIRO INFINITO

Descrição :

Com visual aprimorado, CSR2 oferece corridas de arrancada realistas ao alcance dos seus dedos. Dispute com jogadores de carne e osso do mundo inteiro em supercarros personalizados, como LaFerrari, McLaren P1™, Koenigsegg One:1 e muitos outros.

Monte uma equipe com os amigos, turbine as máquinas para atingir a velocidade máxima e detone a concorrência nos eventos globais para equipes. No CSR2, tudo é novo. Baixe gratuitamente e comece já a correr!

• O CSR2 vai mudar o que você imaginava que fosse possível para dispositivos móveis, com detalhes deslumbrantes em todos os seus carros favoritos.
• Nível de detalhamento inacreditável no interior de cada carro, incluindo as opções originais de fábrica. Não tem como ser mais realista que isso!

Imagens :

Download Apk Mod 
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Requer Android : 4.1 ou superior
Tamanho ( Google Play ) : Depende do dispositivo
Mod : Dinheiro infinito ( Unlimited Money ).

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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Cybrain Web Developers Hacked by Sniper haxXx

Cybrain Web Developers Hacked by Sniper haxXx

Indian famous Webdevelopers Cybrain IT Experts got hacked by Sniper haxXx .


.#/  mirror

Website database is also in our DB prison :) /...~ its a protest for Kashmir and we will fight till we last. and we have also targeted your customers :) and also grabed their database.

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Dangal Kaabil Trailer Will be release With Shivaay and Ae Dil Hai Mushkil

Dangal Kaabil Trailer Will be release With Shivaay and Ae Dil Hai Mushkil

This Diwali we all Are Expecting that two Big Movies will create Clash on Box Office. But Now there are Two More Big budget Movies are going to Make a Clash for Bollywood Lovers. Aamir Khan starer Dangal and Hrithik Roshan starer Kaabil both Movies trailer will associate with Shivaay and Ae Dil Hai Mushkil movie. Ranbir Kapoor Starer Ae Dil Hai Mushkil and Ajay Devgn Starer Shivaay both movies are going to release on this Diwali. As well as Kaabil Movie Trailer and Dangal Movie trailer Both are going to release on this Diwali. Both of the Movies which are going to release on this Diwali are big budget and big Star Cast movies and the Movies which are going to release their trailer were also Big budget and movies with the big star cast.

Dangal vs kaabil
Dangal vs kaabil

According to the news Aamir Khan starer, dangal movie trailer will be attached to Ajay Devgns Shivaay movie and Kaabil Movie Trailer will attach with Ranbir Kapoors Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. Both of the movies are going to release a trailer of their movie. Dangal movie will release on 23 December 2016  whether kaabil Movie will release 26 January 2017.

Ajay Devgans Movie Shivaay will be a big hit at the Box office. Because Ajay Devgn is promoting Shivaay Movie in many different ways and Trailer is very popular on the internet. The Trailer of shivaay Movie got more than 20 Million views on the Internet and getting more popular day by day.Dangal Movie Trailer will attach with Ajay Devgans Shivaay Movie.

Whether Ae Dil Hai Mushkil Movie was also very popular on the internet. And also the Music of the Movie is very popular on the internet and people are liking This Music very much. Kaabil Movie Trailer will be released with Ae Dil Hai Mushkil.

Ok Jaanu (Janu) Full movie Collection Review and Trailer

Resident Evil The Final Chapter Full Movie Box Office review

Dangal Full Movie Online Watch Free in HD MP4 Hindi

Kaabil Full Movie Watch Online

Raees Full Movie Watch Online

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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Dangal movie lead actor role Aamir Khans biography

Dangal movie lead actor role Aamir Khans biography

Dangal movie Aamir Khan, better known as Mr. Perfectionist of the Bollywood industry, Aamir will be soon playing the role of a wrestler in his upcoming movie ‘Dangal’. Aamir Khan first movie ‘Yadhoo ki Barat” in 1973. After exploring role of the acting field, he concentrated back on his studies and the sport of tennis that had always arrested his fascination. Aamir Khan is an Indian actor, director and a producer popular in bollywood. He has worked in some of the highest-grossing Bollywood films like Lagaan, 3 Idiots, Dhoom 3, PK and many more. He will soon be seen in an upcoming flick Dangal.

The girl humbly accepted the proposal but due to opposition from their families they then eloped. The families initially opposed but had to accept later when they returned their homes after getting married. Reena was the name of Aamirs wife who also appears in Aamir’s epic song "Papa Kehte Hain". Aamir Khan divorced Reena in December 2001 and in December 2005 married Kiran Rao and today persent Kiran Rao.

                                                                      Aamir Khan

Personal Profile of Aamir Khan

Birth Name : Aamir Hussain Khan
Popular As : Aamir Khan
Date of Birth : March 14, 1965
Age : 51 years
Height : 55"
Zodiac Sign (Sunsign) : Pisces
Occupation : Film actor, producer, director and writer
Spouse(s) :       Reena Dutta (1986-2002), Kiran Rao (2005-present)
Son : Junaid Khan and Azad Rao Khan

Daughter : Ira Khan

Aamir Khan lead role in first movie

In 1988 came Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak his first film as a lead, the film was a run away success and he achieved instant stardom (the film is now considered a classic of Hindi Cinema).In his second film Raakh (a small, art film) he did a complete opposite role from the lover boy of his first film, his breakthrough performance in this film bagged him the National Film Award of Special Jury. So Aamir Khan is a popular actor in bollywood industry

Aamir is all set to play a wrestler in his next film Dangal. The film is being directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced by Aamir Khan Productions, Kiran Rao and Siddharth Roy Kapur. Aamir will be seen playing the role of a wrestler. It will release on 23 December 2016.

Again Aamir broke his set goalpost with the release of ‘3 Idiots’. The movie has in its name the highest grosser record. The movie was not only appreciated by the audience but also was acclaimed by the critics. The storyline was based on Chetan Bhagat’s novel and it managed to shatter many records.

Aamir Khan has recieved his first "Best Actor Award" for playing an intense character of a taxi driver in Dharmesh Darshan directed commercial blockbuster "Raja Hindustani" (1996). In 2001, he has appeared in the movie Lagaan, which was also his first home production.

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Friday, July 28, 2017

Couple Photo Lyrics from Aap Se Mausiiquii Neha Himesh

Couple Photo Lyrics from Aap Se Mausiiquii Neha Himesh

Couple Photo Lyrics from Himesh Reshammiya latest album Aap Se Mausiiquii. The song is sung by Himesh Reshammiya and the track also featuring singer Neha Kakkar and the lyrics – Couple Photo tu upload kar, Facebook pe piya are penned by Manoj Muntashir.

Song Details: -
Song Title - Couple Photo
Singers - Himesh Reshammiya & Neha Kakkar
Music - Himesh Reshammiya
Lyrics - Manoj Muntashir
Music Label - T-Series

Couple Photo Lyrics - Neha Kakkar | Himesh Reshammiya

Dil mera online hai
Love ka yehi time hai
High speed dhadke hai mera jiya

Der na kar piya
Der na kar piya
Couple photo…
Ho couple photo…

Ho couple photo tu upload kar!
Facebook pe piyaa (x3)

Lovey-dovey hoke tu
Flaunt mujhe kar le tu
Password dil ka maine tujhko diya
Der na kar piya
O der na kar piya
Ho couple photo…
Ho couple photo…

Ho couple photo tu upload kar!
Facebook pe piya (x3)

Main rabdi tu jalebi
Deadly hai ye chemistry
Iss jodi ka nagada bajwa de piya

Hai kissiyon ka season
Without any reason
Colony mein halla macha de piya
Setting ka teri meri
Full-tu mahaol jama de piya

Der na kar piya
Der na kar piya
Couple photo
Ho couple photo

Ho couple photo tu upload kar
Facebook pe piya (x3)

Hai mood ye romantic
Na sun ghadi ki tick-tick
Chal party karein all night
Ghar jaaye savere

Ye din hai bekhudi ke
Full on mausiiquii ke
Moments loot le hum
Ban jaayen lootere

Unlock karde zara har ik emotion
Tu dil ka mere

Der na kar piya
Der na kar piya
Couple photo
Ho couple photo

Ho couple photo tu upload kar
Facebook pe piya (x3)

Lovey dovey hoke tu
Flaunt mujhe kar le tu
Password dil ka maine tujhko diya

Der na kar piya
Der na kar piya
Couple photo
Ho couple photo

Ho couple photo tu upload kar
Facebook pe piya (x3)

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Converting USB to LAN Internet Connection

Converting USB to LAN Internet Connection

Converting USB to LAN Internet Connection

Before discussing dual wan load balancing, I would like to explain for those of you who yet knows in coverting usb modem into lan of the internet connection so it can be connected to mikrotik router especially for RB750 as the internet source that we will used on load balancing. Actually this is the process of Internet sharing on the pc, from usb adapter that available after you have installed usb(dial-up) modem to the pc, then we are going to share to the Ether/LAN adapter of existing lan card on your pc. Here we can determine the IP address of ether/lan adapter that we will connect to the mikrotik router. If you already knew, jump it and be patient for the next article ... lol!

I talk about this for you can closely know of the experiment, so that you can apply dual wan load balancing on your situation later. Converting USB to LAN internet connection is the process flow of the Internet connection to the Ethernet or LAN card on the PC, it might be more known as the process to share the internet. On the picture above, the internet connection from Terminal Wireless Adapter from usb modem will be shared or supplied to the ether/lan adapter that I called as wan1.

You must install the usb modem on the PC at first, there will automatically create a new adapter on the network connection. If nothing, you must create manually to setup or make a new dial-up adapter, which means you have to go to the setup a new connection. Ok lets get started!

1. Sharing Internet Wireless Terminal Adapter to Ether/LAN adapter

You go to  Control Panel of your windows, then find Network Connections, it will appear as shown the right pictures above! in this case I have 1 dial-up adapter of my usb modem that already installed and 1 ether/lan adapter from the internal lan card of my pc. Then right click on Wireless Terminal adapter, and select Properties! it will appear as shown below!

Then on Wireless Terminal Properties, click on tab Advanced and select the option as shown like the right picture above, it we will share the internet connection to the existing Ether/LAN card on your pc. If you have more than one of the ether/lan adapters will appear the option that you need choose the ether/lan adapter that you want to share the internet. finally just click ok, in here the internet will be shared to ether/lan adapter and will be given an IP as default.

2 Specify IP Address Ether/Lan Adapter according with the Network IP of Mikrotik Interface

Still on Network Connection, the ether/lan adapter have already changed of the name as wan1 is an adapter that will connect to wan1 of mikrotik interface with lan cable. Right click on the ether/lan adapter and click properties and look at the right picture above then click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Here we can determine the ip address that will be the ip gateway of wan1, as shown like the picture below! then click ok. For now you can connect the lan card of the pc to the mikrotik as wan1 to be the internet source.

There is a question left for me here, actually I want to do converting usb to lan internet connection just using 1 pc to share two internet adapters to two ether/lan adapters. However, windows operation system can not allow to share the multiple internet connection like this (one will break). At least so far I did not find anyway to across the internet from two usb modem to multiple ether/lan adapter. If you can do it you no need one pc again, if you can not do that, try to share the second usb modem to another pc. To save the costs I do it one on the billing server, surely its up to you to manage!

I think thats all about coverting usb to lan internet connection, the next is beginning to setup mikrotik routerboard.

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Dangal 2016 Hindi Full Movie Watch Online Free

Dangal 2016 Hindi Full Movie Watch Online Free

Dangal 2016 Hindi Full Movie Watch Online Free

Dangal Hindi (2016) Full Movie Cinema Watch Online

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Language: Hindi
Genres: Action | Drama
Release Date: 23rd Dec 2016
Stars: Aamir Khan

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To all A3 supporters, please pick up the telephone and make 2 calls now.

Governor Bobby Jindal will be in London on Monday speaking at the House of Commons about democracy and human rights whilst the state of Louisiana impedes justice for Albert.

He has been invited by Damian Collins MP and The Henry Jackson Society so we need to call them now and let them know that Jindal should not be given a platform to speak as:

·      Louisiana incarcerates more people that anywhere in the world

·      He has refused to take action to end the injustice being perpetrated on Albert by the State of Louisiana despite his conviction being overturned 3 times

·      Albert is the longest serving prisoner in solitary in the world – 42 years.

Call / text / email today, over the weekend and Monday

1. Damien Collins MP 020 7219 7072 and 01303 253524 (and email

2. David Rutter +44 (0)20 7340 4520 or +44 (0)798 646 0557 for out-of-office hours (email

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Correcting GISTEMP

Correcting GISTEMP

GISTEMP is the NASA GISS global temperature surface record and it belongs to James Hansen.

People sometimes ask why climate skeptics criticize GISTEMP so much? Well it started off as a hunch, we felt that if our arch nemesis James Hansen was running it, it must be wrong. If this was merely politics that would be all we needed to believe it was wrong. But this is science and science demands evidence, so dutifully we sought out evidence to back our conclusion.

Here I bring together all the lines of evidence we have manufactured and furthermore I show how GISTEMP would look after corrections.

GISTEMP disagrees with the satellite record

The first piece of evidence is a simple observation. Since 1979 satellites have been measuring the temperature of the lower atmosphere. GISTEMP is trying to measure the temperature of the surface. The surface and lower atmosphere are not exactly the same thing, but youd expect the temperature trend in both to be somewhat similar.

But look at how GISTEMP shows far more warming than the UAH satellite record. The disagreement is astronomical. This is what Blog Science has been banging on about for years!

Urban Heat Island Effect

Warmists will tell you there is no such thing as the urban heat island effect, but thats a complete strawman because their very own studies say there is an urban heat island effect. In fact they even try to correct for it in GISTEMP!

As Blog Scientists we must assume they dont correct for UHI enough. Blog Science knows that GISTEMP is contaminated by UHI bias. In the following graph I correct GISTEMP for UHI by 0.01C/decade.

If this was the full magnitude of UHI contamination that Blog Science was suggesting we would be just making a big deal about nothing! Dont worry we arent. So obviously we must be talking about a far bigger correction being needed. Lets try correcting GISTEMP by 0.05C/decade for UHI bias.

Thats more like it. We can now see that the allegations against GISTEMP not correcting for UHI make a big difference!

Micro-site Biases

The surface record relies on sensors. Sensors are uncannily aware of the tidiness of their surroundings. They are very partial on having nice tidy surroundings and being checked on by men in smart lab coats. If these conditions are not met they refuse to measure temperature properly and just spin around, warmer and warmer, out of control.

It has been proven by Blog Science that James Hansen hasnt personally kept all the sensor locations tidy. In fact noone seems to have bothered and tourists have left rubbish like barrels and boats lying around, items known to cause warming trends. Even worse some people have installed AC units near sensors. Blog Science knows that by installing an AC unit or a boat next to a sensor, that sensor will read ever higher temperatures each year until eventually the sensor will melt.

Warmists claim that the GISTEMP algorithm statistically detects and removes such significant biases from the record. But as Blog Scientists we assume otherwise.  We also demand to know why science isnt performed like in the movies? Why arent there teams of good looking men and woman scientists in shiny suits going around in futuristic metallic science vans tidying up the sensors? Blog Science can only conclude that microsite biases are not properly accounted for in GISTEMP and that these biases cause GISTEMP to be too warm.

Like with UHI bias the microsite bias must be somewhat large or else we would just be making a big deal about nothing! So I propose another correction of 0.05C, this time for microsite bias. The following graph shows the total correction (0.1C/decade) for UHI bias and microsite bias.

We see that correcting for UHI and microsite bias has reduced the warming a lot! So much for the IPCCs predictions of children melting within 20 years.

Now lets compare the corrected GISTEMP to UAH satellite record again. The following graph shows that the previous disagreement between GISTEMP and the satellite record has disappeared thanks to our Blog Science efforts. It has been replaced with a new disagreement though.

Now the satellites show too much warming. The conclusion is obvious. It is time for Blog Science to attack the reliability of the satellite records.

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Cuando el Negro se hace Rosa

Cuando el Negro se hace Rosa

El libro "Cuando el Negro se hace Rosa" ya lo tenemos en librerías. Una edición muy guarra pero muy bien editada una vez más de la manita de Lunwerg. 
¡Esta noche presentamos así que descorchad el vino!

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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Dangal 2016 DvDRips Full Movie Download

Dangal 2016 DvDRips Full Movie Download

Dangal 2016 DvDScrRips 1.4Gb In Hindi Movie

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                                                        Movie Info :
Biopic of Mahavir Singh Phogat, who instructed wrestling to his little girls Babita Kumari and Geeta Phogat. Geeta Phogat was India’s first female wrestler to win at the 2010 Commonwealth Games, where she won the gold decoration (52 kg) while her sister Babita Kumari won the silver (55 kg). Dangal (‘Wrestling’) rotates around the phenomenal existence of Mahavir Singh, an ex-wrestler who is compelled to surrender his fantasies of winning gold for India in universal wrestling because of absence of budgetary support. He sets out to prepare his future child to one-day speak to India in his enthusiasm wear. Be that as it may, predetermination had different arrangements. More than two decades, Mahavir’s confidence in his fantasy decreases as he is honored with four youngsters, all young ladies. In any case, when his eldest little girl Geeta, matured 14 and his second girl Babita, matured 12, bash up a gathering of young men from the area amid an eve-prodding episode, Mahavir understands his young ladies have a similar ability he was conceived with. With trust reestablished, Mahavir persistently seeks after his objective of changing his little girls into world-class wrestlers. Constraining them to prepare with the town young men, Mahavir moves them to battle to win regardless of the chances and to go for gold, regardless.

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