Friday, August 25, 2017

Crappy Crafting

Crappy Crafting

So, I am kinda, like an artist, or whatever. Im kind of a big deal....**  

But, sometimes, I feel like a total craft mummy failure. I have knocked up a cardboard rocket in my time, I have made super hero capes, sure, but me and the boys certainly dont draw/ make/ craft every day. I read the hipster crafty mummy blogs and think, "Wow- that looks like a LOT of work. I have enough crap to clean up, let alone covering everything in GLITTER!"

SO, I embrace Crap Carfting. Easy Crafting. Not Super-Messy crafting!! (Who decided that the word Craft was now a verb??? Why does everything have to be a verb now? Man, I am getting old...)

So, I think its important to, firstly, acknowledge that its OK to not be the most perfect mum in the world. In general. That is easy to say, but really hard to do. There are SOOOO many ways to put pressure on ourselves as mothers, so many guilt traps to push ourselves into. I am a walking manifestation of guilt about 20 hours per day. But I also know that its not a frickin competition. I am not being graded, or judged. Well, at least not until my kid are old enough to afford thier first psychologist.....

Anyway! Back to Crap Crafting with Tessiegirl!!!

All you need is:
Paper bags
Pens and crayons, 
Wooden spoons (or salad servers if you only have one wooden spoon and two children who don;t wanna share that wooden spoon)
Ribbon. Or tape. If you have tape.

- Draw a face on the paper bag
- Get your kids to colour the face in
- Put bag over wooden spoon
-Tie around neck with ribbon
- Let the puppetry ensue!

Are you Crappy Crafter?

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** TOTALLY said with tongue in cheek.... I am actually a HUGE deal...

Available link for download