Friday, August 11, 2017

D I Y Multiple Way Clothing Rack

D I Y Multiple Way Clothing Rack

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My new workspace was in need of a place to hang clothes, something a bit different from a straight forward rack, something on which garments can be displayed better and styled into little groups. So I made this rack out of white PVC tubes (as opposed to metal tubes previously here, here and here) on which you can hang clothes on two sides opposite to each other. Cool thing is, when tilted and put on its side it becomes a longer (yet lower) rack. Ah yes! Multifunctionality excites me!

how to
/01 Cut your tubes to the right lengths: 3 x 1.70 meter / 2 x 1 meter / 4 x 30 centimeter
/02 Assemble.
/plastic plumbing tubes
/6 x 90° corner connection
/2 x three-way connection

Available link for download